Who's Going?

There are 310 members currently booked on from 38 clubs.
The most recent person to book was James (Guest).

Aberystwyth Student Scout and Guide Organisation (8)

  • Aaron (successfully ran Sports Day Rally!) (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
  • Charlotte (Sea-Life Centre)
  • Jenny (Afternoon Off)
  • Kerri (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
  • Mark (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
  • Nathan (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
  • Patrycja (All Day Activity )
  • Philip (Pub Crawl - The Harborne Mile)

Bangor University Guides and Scouts (7)

  • Becca (Sea-Life Centre)
  • Gregory (Sea-Life Centre)
  • Jack (Cadbury World)
  • Jacob (Cadbury World)
  • Joseph (Sea-Life Centre)
  • Kate (Sea-Life Centre)
  • Philip (Short Hike)

Bath University Guides and Scouts (12)

  • Adam (Rock-Up Climbing)
  • Adele (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
  • Anna (Cadbury World)
  • Brittany (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
  • David (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
  • Helen (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
  • Ian (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
  • Jamie (Pub Crawl - City Centre)
  • Maddy (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
  • Matthew (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
  • Rachel (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
  • Riley-anne (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)

Birmingham Universities Scouts And Guides (25)

  • Alex (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Alice (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Amber (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Annabel (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Becca (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Charlotte (Cadbury World)
  • Charlotte (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Dominic (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Eleanor (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Eleri (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
  • Elsa (All Day Activity )
  • Holly (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
  • Imogen (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
  • Joe (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
  • Jonathan (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Jonathan (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Jude (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
  • Katey (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Lucy (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Matthew (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Nathan (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Rebecca (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Rory (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Rosie (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
  • Yiwen (All Day Activity )

Cambridge University Scout and Guide Club (3)

  • Caitlin (Short Hike)
  • Laura (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
  • Meghan (Cadbury World)

Cardiff SSAGS (2)

  • James (Alternative Afternoon Off)
  • Rowan (Afternoon of Culture)

De Montfort University Guides and Scouts (3)

  • Abigail (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
  • Jess (Cadbury World)
  • Peter (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)

Durham University Scout and Guide Group (0)

    Edge Hill SSAGO (0)

      Essex SSAGO (1)

      • Bethan (Cadbury World)

      Exeter (4)

      • Alex (All Day Activity )
      • Marley (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • Matthew (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • Rachel (Afternoon Off)

      Glasgow SSAGO (10)

      • Alannah (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
      • Catherine (Cadbury World)
      • Erin (Cadbury World)
      • Joanne (seonag) (Alternative Afternoon Off)
      • Julia (Cadbury World)
      • Lauren (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
      • Liam (Afternoon of Culture)
      • Lucy (Pub Crawl - City Centre)
      • Marius (Short Hike)
      • Verity (Short Hike)

      Guest (4)

      • Caroline (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • David (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
      • Rebecca (Back to Backs)
      • Tommy (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)

      Hertfordshire University Guides and Scouts (8)

      • Dan (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
      • Emily (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
      • Jessica (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
      • João (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
      • Pete (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
      • Rory (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
      • Taylor (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
      • Tom (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )

      Hull's Own Guides and Scouts (5)

      • Fiona (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
      • Kate (Cadbury World)
      • Naomi (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
      • Rebecca (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
      • Thomas (Cadbury World)

      Independent Members (20)

      • Aisling (Back to Backs)
      • Anthoney (Pub Crawl - The Harborne Mile)
      • Daniel (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
      • Fariha (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • Frances (Pub Crawl - The Harborne Mile)
      • Georgina (Cadbury World)
      • Hakon (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
      • Heather (Back to Backs)
      • Katherine (Cadbury World)
      • Kizzy (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • Leigh (Pub Crawl - The Harborne Mile)
      • Lizzie (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
      • Lucy (Cadbury World)
      • Melissa (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
      • Rhian (Pub Crawl - The Harborne Mile)
      • Ruth (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
      • Saffy (Cadbury World)
      • Simon (All Day Activity )
      • Thomas (Afternoon Off)
      • Tom (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)

      Keele SSAGO (11)

      • Charlotte (Cadbury World)
      • Eva (Cadbury World)
      • Jake (Cadbury World)
      • Kerry (Cadbury World)
      • Kieran (Afternoon of Culture)
      • Laura (Cadbury World)
      • Maria (Cadbury World)
      • Paris (Cadbury World)
      • Rachel (Cadbury World)
      • Reuben (Cadbury World)
      • Rose (Cadbury World)

      Kernow SSAGO (1)

      • Lexie (Cadbury World)

      Lancaster (12)

      • Abigail (Cadbury World)
      • Adam (All Day Activity )
      • Alex (All Day Activity )
      • Alice (All Day Activity )
      • Danny (Sea-Life Centre)
      • Edwin (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
      • Emma (Cadbury World)
      • Jenny (Afternoon Off)
      • Joanna (Rock-Up Climbing)
      • Millie (Alternative Afternoon Off)
      • Natascha (Cadbury World)
      • Rhys (Pub Crawl - The Harborne Mile)

      Leeds (1)

      • Nem (Cadbury World)

      Leicester (6)

      • Alec (Cadbury World)
      • Amber (Cadbury World)
      • Charlotte (Short Hike)
      • Emily (Cadbury World)
      • Jimmy (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
      • Lauren (Cadbury World)

      Lincoln University Guides and Scouts (2)

      • Darcy (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
      • Harvey (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )

      Liverpool Universities' SSAGO (4)

      • Alice (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • Cerys (Study Session)
      • Joe (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • Samir (Pub Crawl - City Centre)

      Loughborough (2)

      • Christopher (Short Hike)
      • Ed (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)

      Manchester (7)

      • Abby (Pub Crawl - City Centre)
      • Elizabeth (Cadbury World)
      • Emma (Pub Crawl - The Harborne Mile)
      • Harriet (Pub Crawl - The Harborne Mile)
      • Helen (Cadbury World)
      • Jenny (Pub Crawl - The Harborne Mile)
      • Neil Allen (All Day Activity )

      Maynooth Rovers Irish Contingent (11)

      • Caoimhe (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • Conni (Short Hike)
      • Dearbhla (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • Fiona (Cadbury World)
      • Jack (All Day Activity )
      • Jordan (Afternoon Off)
      • Liam (Cadbury World)
      • Lilly (Pub Crawl - The Harborne Mile)
      • Sarah (Cadbury World)
      • Sean (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
      • Shane (Cadbury World)

      Newcastle Universities Student Scout and Guide Group (9)

      • Ellen (Pub Crawl - The Harborne Mile)
      • Ellis (Cadbury World)
      • Jack (Cadbury World)
      • Jamie (Afternoon of Culture)
      • Katie (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • Lucy (Cadbury World)
      • Peter (Afternoon of Culture)
      • Thomas (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • Tim (Cadbury World)

      Nottingham (18)

      • Abigail (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • Abigail (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • Alannah (Cadbury World)
      • Andrew (Cadbury World)
      • Bekah (All Day Activity )
      • Charlotte (Cadbury World)
      • Emily (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
      • Emma (Cadbury World)
      • Emma (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • Jake (Cadbury World)
      • James (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • Oliver (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
      • Reece (All Day Activity )
      • Rhianna (Pub Crawl - City Centre)
      • Ryan (All Day Activity )
      • Sally (Pub Crawl - The Harborne Mile)
      • Samantha (Cadbury World)
      • Stuart (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)

      NovioMaguStam Dutch Contingent (1)

      • Bas (Pub Crawl - City Centre)

      Oxford University Scout and Guide Group (3)

      • Annabel (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
      • Emma (Cadbury World)
      • John (Cadbury World)

      Plymouth University Guides and Scouts (6)

      • Ellie (Cadbury World)
      • Matt (Cadbury World)
      • Matthew (Afternoon Off)
      • Oliver (Pub Crawl - The Harborne Mile)
      • Rachel (Afternoon Off)
      • Thomas (Cadbury World)

      Portsmouth SSAGO (12)

      • Amalia (All Day Activity )
      • Charlie (Cadbury World)
      • Chloe (Alternative Afternoon Off)
      • Emma (Cadbury World)
      • Ethan (Cadbury World)
      • Greg (Alternative Afternoon Off)
      • Joshua (Alternative Afternoon Off)
      • Katie (Alternative Afternoon Off)
      • Lewis (Cadbury World)
      • Mark (Alternative Afternoon Off)
      • Milly (Alternative Afternoon Off)
      • Thomas (Cadbury World)

      Salford Student Scout And Guide Organisation (5)

      • Alicia (Cadbury World)
      • Jodie (Cadbury World)
      • Katherine (Cadbury World)
      • Neea (Cadbury World)
      • Olivia (Alternative Afternoon Off)

      Scouts and Girl Guides York (0)

        Sheffield Hallam Students Union Guides & Scouts (5)

        • Bella (Afternoon of Culture)
        • Ben (Pub Crawl - City Centre)
        • Bethan (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
        • Charlotte (Pub Crawl - City Centre)
        • Jonathan (Pub Crawl - City Centre)

        Sheffield StinGS (11)

        • Cameron (Cadbury World)
        • Daniel (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
        • Hannah (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
        • Iain (All Day Activity )
        • Jenny (Cadbury World)
        • Katie (Short Hike)
        • Mark (Cadbury World)
        • Megan (Cadbury World)
        • Rachel (Cadbury World)
        • Robert (Cadbury World)
        • Sarah (Cadbury World)

        Solent SSAGO (4)

        • Kira (Cadbury World)
        • Mollie (Cadbury World)
        • Oscar (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
        • Poppy (Cadbury World)

        Southampton SSAGO (28)

        • Alex (Cadbury World)
        • Ali (Cadbury World)
        • Andrew (Cadbury World)
        • Becky (Staff - Saturday Afternoon)
        • Chris (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)
        • Clare (Cadbury World)
        • Elizabeth (Back to Backs)
        • Elsie (Cadbury World)
        • Henry (Cadbury World)
        • Holly (Cadbury World)
        • Jake (Cadbury World)
        • James (Cadbury World)
        • Joshua (Cadbury World)
        • Kirsty (Cadbury World)
        • Leon (Cadbury World)
        • Lloyd (Cadbury World)
        • Lucy (Cadbury World)
        • Megan (Cadbury World)
        • Megan (Cadbury World)
        • Oli (All Day Activity )
        • Poppy (Cadbury World)
        • Rebecca (Cadbury World)
        • Rebecca (Cadbury World)
        • Rishi-nayan (Pub Crawl - The Harborne Mile)
        • Sophie (Cadbury World)
        • Thalia (Cadbury World)
        • Thomas (All Day Activity )
        • Timothy (Cadbury World)

        SSAGO UWE (0)

          Swansea University Guides and Scouts (20)

          • Adam (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
          • Aneurin (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
          • Benjamin (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
          • Bob (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
          • Callum (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
          • Christopher (Cadbury World)
          • Elin (Cadbury World)
          • Eloise (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
          • James (All Day Activity )
          • Jessica (Afternoon Off)
          • Katie (Afternoon Off)
          • Niamh (Pub Crawl - City Centre)
          • Nicholas (Short Hike)
          • Nicole (Cadbury World)
          • Rhiannon (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
          • Rosie (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
          • Sam (Mr Mulligans Adventure Golf )
          • Sarah (Cadbury World)
          • Siân (Cadbury World)
          • Thomas (Afternoon Off)

          UEA SSAGO (EGGS) (0)

            University of Bristol Guides and Scouts (18)

            • Alexander (Cadbury World)
            • Angus (Alternative Afternoon Off)
            • Caitlin (Cadbury World)
            • Daniel (All Day Activity )
            • Emily (Afternoon Off)
            • Freya (Cadbury World)
            • Hannah (All Day Activity )
            • Isabella (Cadbury World)
            • Jenny (Cadbury World)
            • John (Short Hike)
            • Josie (Short Hike)
            • Lizzie (Cadbury World)
            • Luca (All Day Activity )
            • Matthew (All Day Activity )
            • Naomi (Cadbury World)
            • Owen (Pub Crawl - The Harborne Mile)
            • Richard (BUSAG Chocolate Activity)
            • Toni (Winter Wonderland - Ice Skating and the Christmas Markets)

            University of South Wales SSAGO (1)

            • Salem (All Day Activity )

            Warwick University Guides and Scouts (0)

              Winchester (0)

                Worcester SSAGO (0)

                  York St John (0)

                    If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact webmaster@ssago.org.